Bulk Beef Order Form Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *Phone Number *Email *Street Address *City *Province *Postal Code *Delivery OptionsFarm Pickup (no charge)Brandon Delivery (no charge)Other Location (extra charge)A location will be confirmed for deliveries to Brandon and other locations.Choose your size of beef: *1/4 Beef (Shared Half)1/2 BeefWholeExtra charges may apply if choices exceed standard amounts of each cut available in the bulk order choice.Round (Hip Roast)-2 lb3 lb4 lb5 lbOtherPlease indicate your portion size.Special InstructionsIf other, indicate your portion sizeCross Rib Roast-2 lb3 lb4 lb5 lbOtherPlease indicate your portion size.Special Instructions:If other, indicate your portion sizeBlade Roast-2 lb3 lb4 lb5 lbOtherPlease indicate your portion size.Special Instructions:If other, indicate your portion sizePrime Rib Roast-2 lb3 lb4 lb5 lbOtherPlease indicate your portion size.Special Instructions: If other, indicate your portion sizeSirloin Tip Roast-2 lb3 lb4 lb5 lbOtherPlease indicate your portion size.Special Instructions:If other, indicate your portion sizeBrisket-2 lb3 lb4 lb5 lbOtherPlease indicate your portion size.Special Instructions: If other, indicate your portion sizeRound Steak-3/4"1"OtherSpecify how thick you wish your steaks to be.Indicate number of steaks/package Special InstructionsIf other, indicate your thickness size here T-bone Steak OR Striploin & Tenderloin-3/4" T-Bone1" T-BoneOther T-Bone3/4" Tenderloin & Striploin1" Tenderloin & StriploinOther Tenderloin & StriploinPlease choose between T-bone OR Striploin & Tenderloin and choose the thickness.Indicate number of steaks/packageSpecial InstructionsIf other, indicate your thickness size hereSirloin Steak-3/4"1"OtherSpecify how thick you wish your steaks to be.Indicate number of steaks/packageSpecial InstructionsIf other, indicate your thickness size hereRibeye Steak-3/4"1"OtherSpecify how thick you wish your steaks to be.Indicate number of steaks/packageSpecial InstructionsIf other, indicate your thickness size hereOther Steak-3/4"1"OtherIndicate your choice of cut in instructionsIndicate number of steaks/packageSpecial InstructionsIf other, indicate your thickness size.Stew Meat-1 lb1.5 lb2 lbOtherPlease indicate your package size.Number of packagesSpecial InstructionsIf other, indicate your packaging size hereGround Beef-1 lb1.5 lb2 lbOtherIndicate your portion sizesType-LeanExtra LeanRegularSpecial InstructionsIf you chose other please indicate your package size hereShort Ribs-1 lb1.5 lbOtherIndicate your package sizeSpecial InstructionsIf you chose other please indicate your package size hereSoup Bones-Individually WrappedBulk BagOtherIndicate your package sizeSpecial Instructions If you chose other please indicate your package size hereMarrow Bones-Bulk BagIndividually WrappedOtherSpecial InstructionsIf you chose other please leave instructions hereOxtail-BulkIndividually WrappedSpecial InstructionsTongue-WholeSlicedOtherSpecial InstructionsIf you chose other please leave instructions hereHeart-WholeSlicedOtherSpecial InstructionsIf you chose other please leave instructions hereKidney-WholeSlicedOtherSpecial Instructions If you chose other please leave instructions hereLiver-WholeSlicedOtherSpecial InstructionsIf you chose other please leave instructions hereFat-GroundOtherSpecial InstructionsIf you chose other please leave instructions hereDog Bones & ScrapsBulk PackageSpecial InstructionsSpecial Requests/InstructionsIf there is anything else you would like to add leave it here!NameSubmit