Pasture Raised Meat Package Order Form Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name *Email *Phone Number *Street Address *City *Province *Postal Code *Delivery Options *Farm Pickup (no charge)Brandon Delivery (no charge)Other location (extra charge)A location will be confirmed for deliveries to Brandon and other locations.Grass-fed Beef Bulk Package ($4.95/lb carcass weight)Quarter (Shared 1/2) Beef (150-180lb carcass weight*).Half (1/2) Beef (300-360lb carcass weight*)Whole (1) Beef (600-720lb carcass weight*)Package Includes: Options for all cuts, including organ meats, bones, fat and dog bones; cut & packaged to your specifications. *For a Bulk package order you will receive 60-65% of carcass weifht in actual beef, depending on your cut selections (Actual weight of beef received in bulk orders will be minus bone, fat, trim and shrinkage)Grass-fed Beef Sample Package (~8 lbs, $100.00)1 x 2-3 lb roast (cross rib or round) | 3 lb of Steak (mix of ribeye, striploin or sirloin) | 2-3 lb ground beefGrass-fed Beef Variety Package (~25 lbs, $260.00)4 x 2-3 lb roasts (mix of cross rib, round, blade) | 5-6 lb of Steak (mix of ribeye, striploin, T-bone or sirloin) | 5- 6 lb ground beef | 1-2 lb stewGrass-fed Beef Grill Package (~20 lbs, $260.00) 10-12 lb Steak (mix of ribeye, striploin, tenderloin, T-bone or sirloin) | 8 - 10lb ground beefGrass-fed Ground Beef Package~10 lbs Ground Beef (~ $87.00)~25 lbs Ground Beef (~$205.00)Pasture Pork PackagesWhole (1) pork ($5.95/lb). Approximately 120-140 lbs of meatHalf (½) pork ($6.45/lb) Approximately 60-70 lbs of meatPork Variety Package (~25 lbs, $180.00)*Whole and Half Package includes: Options for all cuts, including organ meats, bones, fat and dog bones; cut & packaged to your specifications. Extras: Ham, or additional bacon/sausages can be ordered in place of other cuts for an additional $2.00/lb to account for curing and processingPasture Chicken-Whole 51015Other (Custom order quantity, please indicate number below)Pasture Chicken- Whole, Enter Custom QuantityPasture Chickens will be delivered beginning in September as quantities lastPasture Meat Package (~30 lbs, $285.00) 10 lbs grassfed organic beef: 1 x 2-3 lbs roast, 4 lbs of steak, 3-4 lbs of ground beef | 10 lbs pasture pork: 1 x 3-4 lbs roast, 3-4 lbs chops, 1 lb bacon, 1 lb sausage, 1 lb ground pork | 2 whole pasture chickens (5-6 lbs per chicken)Special Requests and InstructionsIf there is anything else you would like to add do it here!NameSubmit